Future of the Universe
The future of the Universe is prescribed by the
quantity of matter that it contains and by the existence of an
anti-gravitational force that was detected in recent studies about the expansion
of the Universe. The luminous matter is no more than about 1% of the matter
that is necessary for the refraining of the expansion and subsequent
contraction of the Universe.
Dark Matter
It is known, for the observed movements of the galaxies,
that the quantity of dark matter is, at least, 10 times higher than the
quantity of luminous matter. The dark matter may assume two possible forms:
Brown dwarf Gliese 229
B: small bright sphere to the right (HST - NASA)
Open Universe
The hypothesis of the Open Universe had a boost since
it was observed in 1998 a mysterious acceleration of the expansion of the
Universe. The Universe is 13,7 billion years old (about 1010). It's
estimated that, in an open, ever-expanding and infinite Universe (with a
negative curvature, saddle-shaped), in about 1014 years the stellar activity will come to an end, since the available fuels existing in the interstellar space will become exhausted.
In 1018 years, the galaxies will start to collapse, given the emission of energy
under the form of gravitational waves and the escape into
the intergalactic space of the stars that, as a consequence of the close
encounters with other stars and corresponding gravitational interactions, will
have gradually gained more velocity, or in other words,
more energy. This escape will reduce the galaxy to the less energetic and
slower stars, which will provoke its contraction, encouraging new
approximations and accelerations of stars that, again, will be able to eject
themselves from the galaxies. Given the small dimensions of the galactic
remainders resulting from that, the stars that resist until the end against
such emigrations will finally be attracted by the huge black holes that inhabit the galactic centres, being consumed by
them and, this way, feeding their growth.
In 1032 years it is possible that it starts
to be significant the decay of the protons into lighter particles like the positrons and the muons.
The black holes will take 1068
to 1071 years to evaporate, but it's possible that the giant black holes take as long as 1090 to 10100
years to vanish.
If the protons don't decay, after 101600
years the white dwarfs will collapse to form neutron stars and in an unimaginable time scale (between (1014)26
and (1010)76 years) they will coalesce until they are
transformed into black holes. These, in turn, will
end up evaporating and giving place to a featureless
Universe of particles and radiation.
Closed Universe
In the case the Universe was finite and closed (with a
positive curvature, sphere-shaped) the galactic clusters would end up getting
close to each other and merging.
Some hundred million light years later, the galaxies themselves would merge and a single hipergalaxy would
finally arise.
After some million years, the stars would be so close
that the entire sky would be as bright as the Sun.
When the temperature of the space exceeded the temperature
of the stars, these would explode. Many black holes would be constantly
forming from the collapsing matter.
About 100 000 years before the Big Crunch the
formation of black holes would happen at a gorgeous rhythm.
1000 years before the end, the black holes themselves
would coalesce and, at the moment of the Big Crunch, everything would disappear
in the interior of a singularity with infinite temperature and density. The 4 fundamental forces would become united
again and the conditions for a new Big Bang would
be created.
The 5th Force
The recent observations strongly suggest that the
expansion of the Universe is accelerating and, thus, the
Universe shall be open. The " dark energy " that originates this
acceleration is still completely involved in mystery and nothing is known about
its nature. It is only supposed that it shall be much dimmer than the gravity,
due to the obvious hardness to be detected. It is also supposed that the vacuum
rather than mass is empowering the action of this force, since the Universe
only started to accelerate in recent times, when the Universe would already be
empty enough to allow the appearance of this force. In the composition of the
whole Universe, the dark energy shall represent about 73% of its content, the
unknown type of dark matter represents about 23% and the ordinary matter only
Diagram showing the
ingredients that make up the universe, according to the actual conception of
it. (The differences between the proportions mentioned in this text are a
symptom of the uncertainty that still exists concerning to this theme)